
11 September 2023

ASDA: Secret Shopper shock fire safety report

Secret shopper visits ASDA in an undercover sting that identifies fire safety concerns, locked doors, traffic dangers and confusion in the aisles. What we uncovered left us with raised eyebrows and a fervent hope that the management will take swift action. It simply ASDA. TheBigRetort 

Dear Readers,

In the spirit of  our secret shopper probe, we recently embarked on an undercover evaluation at the ASDA store nestled in the heart of Loampit Vale, Lewisham. Our mission? To provide the discerning audience with an unvarnished account of the store's inner workings, the customer experience, and the state of safety. As we discreetly navigated the store, our keen eyes spotted some unsettling fire safety issues that deserve immediate attention:

Blocked Entrances and Exits

The front entrance resembled a scene from a post-apocalyptic beercan fortress. This disregard for fire safety regulations could impede a hasty evacuation during an emergency. We'd suggest an expedited fire sale to clear out that wall of cans –  a win-win situation. Failing that, is shoplifting so great that it trumps fire safety?

 Torturous Detours 

Customers were forced into a labyrinthine trek around the store to access the back entrance. Time spent meandering through the aisles could equate to precious minutes lost in the event of an evacuation. Once out back you have to negotiate the cars accessing the carpark. Tgis back entrance too was blocked. It's not an adventure; it's a safety hazard.

Blocked and locked Entrance 

The inexplicable decision to keep the front entrance doors locked during business hours is a fire code faux pas. In an emergency, easy access is paramount. Quick entry and exit are for emergencies. Shoplifters aside.

To address these fire safety foibles, we present the following suggestions:

Clear Exit Paths: Remove the beer can barricade at the front entrance and ensure unobstructed escape routes. Perhaps offer a discount to customers willing to help with the clean up?

Unlock Doors: Keep the front entrance doors unlocked during business hours. It's the courteous thing to do for both safety and convenience.

Inventory Intrigues:

In addition to the fiery issues, we also stumbled upon inventory irregularities that might pique your interest:

Rogue Products: Several products were playing hide-and-seek, seemingly lost in a maze of mislabelled aisles. Coffee, for example, was camouflaged in an aisle with misleading signage, causing confusion. It was like Treasure Hunt.

To refine the shopping experience, we propose the following inventory interventions:

Inventory Accuracy: A thorough inventory review is in order. Products should be reunited with their designated aisles, restoring order to the shopping experience.

We firmly believe that addressing these matters post haste is paramount for customer safety and satisfaction. We encourage ASDA management to take immediate action to rectify these issues, fostering a secure and delightful shopping experience for all. After all, a satisfied customer is a returning paying customer, and we presume that's what you're aiming for.

We invite our insightful readers to share their thoughts and experiences related to ASDA or any other shopping destinations with us. Your feedback is our most potent tool in delivering valuable insights to the discerning public.

TheBigRetort Secret Shopper Team

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