17 January 2022

Andrew: the prince who turned into a frog - exclusive - His face WAS running with sweat

Virginia Giuffre, nee Roberts, claimed that she had been sex-trafficked across the Atlantic in 2001, to dance and later sexually pleasure a prince. The teen partied long into the night in a London nightclub with this handsome prince - “sweating profusely all over me”.  Decades later, the handsome prince turned into an ugly frog and denied sweating.  TheBigRetort... uncovers the truth.

In a now infamous interview with Emily Maitlis, Prince Andrew was probed. Did he or didn’t he sweat? 

Andrew retorted: "There’s a slight problem with the sweating, because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat or I didn’t sweat at the time and that was…was it…yes, I didn’t sweat at the time because I had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the Falklands War when I was shot at and I simply…it was almost impossible for me to sweat… So, I’m afraid to say that there’s a medical condition that says that I didn’t do it, so therefore…”

The prince left the rest limply hanging. However, in the written reporting that followed this was represented by three dots after the “so therefore”. The ellipsis meant that it’s obvious to those reading (or viewers) what is not being said but could be said in the ensuing silence. 

In other words, therefore… she’s delusional, or lying.  

Sweating then became the rock on which the royal defence rested. 

But the interview left many British subjects doffing caps through niggling doubt. Was the monarch’s son seemingly clinging to sweaty discomfort as a defence against Giuffre’s further claims of wrongdoing? 

And, sweat or not, is it really relevant?

” Andrew was said to look pale and his face was running with sweat.”  

TheBigRetort reveals... the Sunday World is the second most popular newspaper in the Republic of Ireland. In November 2000, reporter Esther McCarthy wrote on page 50 of the World that whilst visiting New York’s trendiest bars, according to other party goers:” Andrew was said to look pale and his face was running with sweat.”  [Emphasis added.] #

The finding that the playboy prince regularly broke out into a sweat was not unearthed in any British newspaper. Make of that what you will. But the revelation revealed here upholds at least one part of Giuffre’s claim. Four months before the 2001 alleged non-sweating incident, Andrew was seen sweating in another nightclub.  

So, a once handsome prince kissed the Blarney Stone and turned into an ugly sweaty frog. And it’s the Blarney Stone that American lawyers may now throw at the former playboy prince during any cross-examination.

 For, as Paddy McGuinness once said: “I think blokes definitely sweat on most things when it comes to being questioned by women.”

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