10 August 2023

Unveiling Lewisham Council's FOI enigma

A recent communication from Lewisham Council peels back the layers of secrecy shrouding its operations. A two-year delay in addressing crucial Freedom of Information (FOI) Act requests. An Enforcement Notice from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) followed.  A move that has left the council red-faced and motivated. TheBigRetort...

Unearthing the Cryptic Email

Recently, an unexpected missive from Lewisham Council's FOI team landed on our desk, triggering waves of surprise within our Room 300 command centre. Amid the confusion, we pondered whether we had filed an FOI request. Only to uncover a jolting detail. Not in the email's timestamp, but in its date: "2021." Two full years had passed since our FOI query. The question looms: why?

Penetrating the Enigma that is Lewisham Council

In response to mounting concerns, the ICO wielded its Enforcement Notice—a figurative hammer blow—and the departure of Lewisham Planning head Emma Talbot followed. Was this emblematic of a council grappling with a disconcerting backlog of FOI responses after years of unhelpfulness? Unfortunately we shall probably never know. However, one thing is certain, the censure emerges amidst a backdrop of financial and moral distress, underscoring a council at the very brink.

A Plea for Clarification Resounds at Catford Town Hall

Remarkably a twist of fate finds Lewisham Council reaching out to TheBigRetort for guidance. What shall we do, they ask. An unusual departure from the norm. Be that as it may, the plea underscores a reversal of roles. As Lewisham Council seeks our input on whether our long-standing FOI request remains of interest - to us? Err...let me see now. The urgency in their words hints at a genuine attempt to rectify past oversights. We of course still hold unwavering interest in all things Shambolic. But the pivotal question arises: How did this backlog of information fester unchecked, tarnishing the council's commitment to transparency still further?

Unveiling a Wider Malaise

In an upcoming exposé, TheBigRetort delves into a systemic affliction transcending mere information requests—an affliction that has systematically transformed legitimate concerns into "complaints". Thereby evading scrutiny. This shadow veils the council's proclaimed dedication to open governance. Underscoring an avoidance that extends from junior officers to the senior echelons and beyond. Right up to the elected representatives who stand as proud stewards of their communities. Within this narrative, the council’s HQ’s resemblance to the Kremlin does not go amiss. Symbolic of receding accountability and a tightening grip on falsehoods—a reality that can no longer remain hidden.

Peering into the Abyss

Our journey takes us into the abyss. A realm of questionable dealings and thriving falsehoods. As we expose a council investigations team that paradoxically fails to investigate. Especially when implications reach higher levels. As our investigation deepens, layers of intrigue unravel. Revealing the motivations behind the council's demotivation tactics and the ramifications this brings for constituents reliant on transparent access to information. These pressing queries prompt a reconsideration of where constituents should cast their votes—in favour of inflated egos, or those candidates with genuine intelligence and compassion.

Unravelling the Enigma: The Path Forward

In the weeks ahead, TheBigRetort will navigate the labyrinthine enigma.Spotlighting the intricate interplay of forces within the council. We shed light on citizens' rights and delve into the ICO's role in safeguarding transparency. 

Stay engaged as we journey through corridors of power where secrets linger and truths eagerly await... the unveiling. You will soon be entering  the twighly zone.


COPYRIGHT (C) THE BIG RETORT (thebigretort.com)

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